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New Media Technology News

New Social Networking Website Created After Cancer Struggle

Send Your Best (, a newly-conceived online community designed to cheer on friends and family as they achieve milestones, is currently accepting beta testers while prepping for a late 2009 launch.

Created by David Goldman after his close friend, Kathleen was diagnosed with breast cancer, Send Your Best was initially a simple one page website that Mike Coulter built where Kathleen’s friends and family members could express well wishes and give her encouragement. Alternately Kathleen was able to give regular updates to the group that was rallying behind her. With the power of the internet in hand not only did Kathleen receive regular pep talks and ‘atta girls from those closest to her, she heard from people she hadn’t heard from in years and also received hundreds of well wishes from people she’d never met.

“After seeing how much this simple website lifted Kathleen’s spirits and made her battle a little bit easier, Mike and I realized that if this could help her then it could help thousands if not millions of people worldwide,” explains Goldman. “Kathleen is, thankfully, fully recovered and doing well.”

Send Your Best is not only geared towards those who are fighting illnesses like cancer but also to anyone working toward a milestone be it an educational goal, a marathon and so on. The scope of cheerleading Send Your Best can provide is as wide open as its users are creative. Unlike other social networking sites where you create your own page, with Send Your Best your friend or family member creates a page for you. Designed to put people in contact with others dealing with the same struggles and triumphs, Send Your Best also connects those who need help with those who are there to give it. It’s safe to say that everyone can use a support network at some point in their life.

Send Your Best Team

David Goldman

A professional photographer with over 13 years of working in the music, celebrity and advertising worlds, Goldman is the founder of Send Your Best. Not long after relocating to New York in 2005 from Los Angeles a very close friend of his was diagnosed with stage 3 advanced breast cancer. No longer living in LA and feeling somewhat helpless as to what he could do to help his friend David came up with the idea of Send Your Best. Originally for his friend, it quickly became clear through all the positive feedback and great support gleaned from the site that it would be a crime if he did not do everything in his power to make it a reality for anyone in need.

Eythor Ernstson

A software and marketing professional with 10 years of experience in entrepreneurial and startup environments, Ernstson is a partner of Send Your Best as well as the lead web designer for the site. Born and raised in Iceland, Ernstson moved to the US to explore opportunities but ended up settling in Toronto where he and David struck up a friendship. After a few brief conversations, Ernstson realized the potential that Send Your Best has on positively impacting people and joined the effort to make it a reality. Aside from working on Send Your Best, Ernstson runs a consulting firm out of Toronto and Huntsville, Alabama.

Mike Coulter
An LA-based Art Director and Web Designer, Coulter is a co-founder and the lead web developer for Send Your Best. He was born outside of Baltimore and after graduating from Penn State in 1985 with degrees in Physics and Electrical Engineering Coulter moved to California. Passion intervened and Coulter sidestepped engineering for his love of music and dreams of becoming a rock star. His band Lifter was signed to Interscope Records in 1993 and released one record. Mike found a permanent home in the film industry as an Art Director for television commercials co-mingled with a second career in web design and development. He lives in Eagle Rock with the love of his life, his dog Calvin.

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