New Media Technology News
New Media Technology News Announces Acclaimed Micro Blogging Platform

If social networking is the big man on campus when it comes to popular sites on the internet, then micro blogging is his stunningly beautiful girlfriend. Micro blogging, the dissemination of short messages to a targeted group of recipients is most famously represented online by While Twitter makes a great tool to share and receive information with and from friends online, has just announced the release of their own enterprise micro blogging solution that can be purchased for a flat fee and used internally as a way to improve communications. It is Twitter-in-a-box.

“Micro blogging is something that has proven to be an incredibly effective communication and collaboration tool, our goal was to take the widely praised Yonkly platform and offer it as a one-time purchase to individuals and businesses that want to improve their internal communications. In other words, we offer a Twitter like solution for your own servers,” explains Yonkly Founder Emad Ibrahim.
With this innovative collaboration tool titled Yonkly Standalone Edition users can post messages to other members in real time, conversations are threaded for easy follow up discussions, pictures are effortlessly integrated into the sharing tools, and users are given their own unique accounts. For those that want to streamline communication within an organization the Yonkly Standalone Edition is the perfect tool. Further users can customize the look of the software with a variety of skins, and even monetize the software with subscription tools that are built in to the program.

“When I created Yonkly I wanted to give people more than just an online tool that was useful to them, I wanted people to be able to purchase the software one time, pay no further fees, allow them to customize it to their specific needs, and host it on their own server. Imagine if more businesses were able to communicate like one does on Twitter? So much more would get done each day. We took Twitter, added more advanced features and controls and packaged it into a single application that will run on your servers. Your data and communication is as private as you want to make it,” says Emad Ibrahim.

In addition to the enterprise standalone solution Yonkly has a robust affiliate program and is used by over 3,500 existing networks. Recently Microsoft purchased the software for use with one of their internal groups.

“If you want to improve communication internally, create a niche network that is as high tech as it is easy to use, the Yonkly Standalone Edition is your absolute best bet,” says Emad Ibrahim in regards to his powerful standalone micro blogging platform that is now available for purchase.

For more information on the company and its Standalone Edition visit

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