New social network, Friends Recover, is the latest resource available to the community of those who battle substance abuse in their own lives or in the lives of those they love.
At Friends Recover, there is room for everyone to listen and be heard. The website will host a forum where individuals in recovery, their friends and family, and those who have not yet sought treatment, can all come together to share information, network, seek help, and offer support.
Friends Recover – free to all users – features the well known 12 step recovery program. The 12 step program has been renowned for its effectiveness since the early 1930s. “With this feature those who have taken the 12 Steps can continue their process privately online, as well as sponsoring other members who have not taken steps,” said the founder of the website, who for reasons of privacy wishes to remain anonymous.
Other unique features of the site include a locator for treatment centers and meetings, ability to create events and groups, and specific memberships tailored for those currently in recovery, those seeking recovery, family, friends and recovery professionals. Friends Recover offers a special membership category to those who are in need of urgent care.
While the site may save the lives of some, for others it will be a way to maintain moral support, check in on old friends and meet new people. It will offer online meetings, networking, photo tagging and chat features – all geared towards keeping members sober and practicing the principals of the 12 steps.
The mastermind behind Friends Recover, a recovered substance abuser herself, was inspired to create this online network by the remarkable individuals who supported her along her own road to recovery. “Those of us who have suffered from alcoholism and addiction know that it can’t be done alone,” she said.
Friends Recover recognizes the strength of community support and seeks to make that support readily accessible to all. “I hope to connect parents who have questions to parents who have answers. I hope to connect people who are willing and able to help to people who are in need of it. I hope to connect people who are in recovery with a support group,” said the website’s founder.
“Whether the member chooses a support group of people in the same home group, same state, across the country, or internationally, they will be connected to people they can learn from, help, or simply share experiences with.”
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