The FOLDEN.INFO eMarketing and iMedia Directory has updated its mobile service to the up to date wap 2.0 version of the mobile internet and enhanced the mobile service as well as mobile related issues at the web homepage. At the web homepage there are mobile applications for business and marketing as well as a new rubric called mobile advertising.
FOLDEN.INFO is a directory for and of innovative interactive services within the reach of internet and converging media. The listings embrace applications and tools of common interest as well as for the business segment. The content of the portal includes internet marketing with topics from advertising to social media marketing, up to date services and new media trends. Where available there are free information services listed and web based applications of interactive services and at the business segment.
The mobile version of the homepage is embracing this concept of an open internet. Services listed at the mobile homepage are mostly ready to use without the need of a software installation. Furthermore the mobile homepage has been enhanced while updating to the wap 2.0 version. Further services of free information and new innovative and interactive services like mobile social networking and social media have become added.
Basic services included are free mobile information and mobile search engines. For news now there are services for news sharing and social networking. At the reach of common useful services there are local information services and portals with global reach, travel information with hotel search, mobile maps and route planning. Entertainment includes chat, mobile games and newly added mobile music, video and media sharing. The latter is of similar interest as it is at the internet and does embrace user generated content, too. If this does not fit or if there is a need for immediate software, there is a particular page with services offering mobile software ready to download to mobile phones. By a careful choice of services the mobile homepage is a useful bookmark for everyone.
The mobile homepage is available at
The focus of the mobile version of FOLDEN.INFO are innovative and up to date services. But these can not serve the mobile business and commerce segment. Those services are mostly located at the web and business applications and services are located at the web homepage. There are services which require a software installation, mobile business and mobility, mobile commerce and marketing with business solutions. Last but not least a new page has been added lately covering mobile advertising.