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New Media Technology News

Firefox and Chrome Extensions to Block Murdock Websites

After the recent (still ongoing) News International phone hacking scandal, developers have created free tools to help consumers stay away from websites owned by the Murdoch media empire., reports Mike Flacy writing on Digitaltrends

“A couple developers have created free tools to help consumers stay away from websites owned by the Murdoch media empire. A Firefox add-on called MurdochAlert creates a warning when users are loading one of 100+ sites. For instance, if a user lands on Fox News, an alert bar appears to warn the user of the “potential computer security risks of accessing Murdoch-controlled sites”. The add-on comes with a Greasemonkey script for any user that wants to alter the design.

A Chrome extension takes a more stringent approach and completely halts the user from loading a Murdoch property. Called Murdoch Block, the extension displays a warning before allowing the user to choose to load the site. Popular blocked properties include Hulu (31 percent owned by Fox), Fox News, MySpace, Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.”

Read more:

MurdochAlert warns you whenever you visit one of the 100+ Murdoch Family-controlled websites.

Murdoch Block: Blocks websites owned and operated by News Corp

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