The Parnassus Group, creators of the world’s first conference series dedicated to the professional uses of Twitter, announced that they will again host the popular “Developer Launchpad” session at their upcoming Twitter Conference in Los Angeles.
“Promising new Twitter-based applications are appearing on a daily basis,” said Steve Broback, Founder of the Twitter Conference. “Our goal is to identify the most innovative and useful services based on the Twitter APIs, and expose them to our audience.”
The first “Launchpad” premiered at the sold-out Twitter Conference in Mountain View, CA in May. At that event, the developers of Flaggpole, Publicitweet, Jobaba, Chatterbox, Tweetfunnel, Twittylinks, and Twittfilter all debuted their new services to the world at large.
Developers are encouraged to submit their projects for consideration. A panel of conference speakers will then confer to select the eight most qualified applications to demo at the conference.
Submissions for the launchpad session will be accepted through Friday, August 21st, or when thirty submissions have been received, whichever happens first. See the full rules and submit your application for review at the twitter conference site:
Founded in 2004, Parnassus Group provides services to clients and partners seeking to participate in the social media space. We’ve helped everyone from Fortune 500 companies to sole proprietorships in their efforts to leverage technologies like blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and more.