New Media Technology News
New Media Technology News

So Act Social Action Network Trading on OTCBB

So Act Network, Inc. (SOAN.OB) announced today that its common stock begins trading on the Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB).

“Becoming publicly traded is an important step for us to begin building awareness in the capital markets as we strive to develop and gain recognition as a social network for internet users globally,” said Greg Halpern, President, So Act Network provides its users with a suite of unique productivity tools by allowing its members – to promote or build whatever they want to the world, without excessive rules, without being subjected to spam or ads and without having their personal information used by marketers.

About So Act Network, Inc.
So Act’s innovative technologies provide a global social network where its members are free to accomplish and promote all of their important goals without being subjected to spam or ads and without having their personal information used by marketers. So Act improves on the social networking theme by providing businesses and individuals with valuable productivity tools in a personalized, private format that enhance the overall web experience and save time and money for its users.
Some of the tools that provide benefits to So Act members include –
– a communication platform that combines spam-free and ad-free email, text and chat allowing users to maintain as many always-on conversations as they desire
– the ability to form groups that help build business, develop new ideas, study and learn, promote causes, connect with likeminded individuals
– a high performance search engine that is ad-free and provides only the top 10 results in the world
– a media drive that allows members to upload, secure, and file share every important file on their computer
– a press club so members can share their important news with their followers and the media
– For more information, and to join free – visit www.SoAct.Net

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