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New Media Technology News

PenaltyBeGone Platform to Remove and Prevent Google Penalties

PenaltyBeGone (PBG), announced the introduction of a new proprietary platform that targets Google’s most pervasive and destructive penalties – Google manual actions and their algorithm updates known as the Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird.

Google’s punitive actions are well documented in message boards dating back to 2011 and continuing to the present day. Webmasters and domain owners worldwide have grown increasingly concerned over the ongoing wave of search engine penalties levied by Google against domains that they believe violate any aspect of their quality guidelines. “We have seen a dramatic increase in the number of clients calling us because they have been penalized or they strongly suspect that they have been penalized by Google,” said PenaltyBeGone CEO Michael Sherman.

Citing growing demand for a remedy and preventative medicine to guard against Google penalties, PenaltyBeGone developed a proprietary platform that uses in-house software and a unique process for removing Google penalties. Their penalty removal service has proven to be a highly effective tool and according PBG management, their platform will remove a much greater percentage of Google penalties than any options offered by their competitors.

“We firmly believe that our penalty removal and recovery service gives website owners the best chance of getting their penalty removed,” said Sherman.

Sherman understands that getting a Google penalty removed is only the beginning of the process in helping to restore search engine rankings. “Google penalties are just the start of the nightmare for many webmasters,” Sherman noted. “Uncertainty regarding their penalty, and more importantly, life after the penalty is removed is the biggest fear and concern we hear from the people calling us about their penalty issues.” He then mentioned that restoring search rankings can be more problematic than removing the penalty and in that regard not all website’s are the same. “Some websites recovered quickly and some didn’t. Making matters more confusing is that many domain owners weren’t aware of any penalty because Google will only notify you about one of their manual actions, not an algorithm penalty.”

PenaltyBeGone is in the business of removing penalties and restoring search engine rankings, but they also know how important it is to educate webmasters about best practices in preventing these issues from becoming recurring problems. As a part of their services PBG also offers their clients a backlink and penalty monitoring service that will ultimately help them prevent penalties from occurring in the first place.

About PenaltyBeGone: PenaltyBeGone is a New York based search engine consulting firm that specializes in removing penalties from websites that have been slapped with Google manual spam action penalties, Google unnatural link penalties and by Google algorithm updates known as Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird. They also offer preventative services such as backlink and penalty monitoring services to keep domain owners from being penalized by Google again or incurring a search engine penalty in the first place.

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