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New Media Technology News

Google Apps Announces User Managed Storage

Google has announced that they will be making User Managed Storage available to Google Apps customers at prices ranging from $5 to $256 per year for 20GB up to 1TB.

User Managed Storage is a service that has allowed users to purchase more storage space when they fill the allotted quota on their personal Google Accounts. This service will be rolled out for users of Google Apps accounts as well, allowing the purchase of extra storage for Google Docs, Picasa Web Albums, and photos from Blogger.

Any of these products that is over its storage quota can use the extra storage on a first-come, first-served basis. Users that upload lots of files to Google Docs, sync their Office documents to the cloud using Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office, or store and share pictures using Picasa or Blogger can now expand the storage space available for these files.

User Managed Storage can be enabled by your domain administrator from the Google Apps Control Panel at[] (replace [] with your actual domain name). Note that the Google Checkout service must also be enabled to allow end users to purchase additional storage. If your organization isn’t using Google Apps yet, you can learn more and sign up today at

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