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Stock Agency PantherMedia Invites Photographers To Join Its New Microstock Offering

PantherMedia (, the leading and rapidly growing marketplace for royalty-free photography, today announced that the agency will offer its over one million images also at microstock price levels and invites new photographers to participate in the new microstock offering. PantherMedia introduces also “credits” for single image sales and a flexible image subscription plan which is optional for photographers.
The outstanding feature of the new image subscription plan: it is not based on the “Images-per-Day” model like elsewhere, but on the new “Credits-per-Day” model. This allows picture buyers to scale the subscription plan to their individual needs.
Besides the purchase on credits or via the subscription plan, the purchase of single images on invoice will remain. “PantherMedia is by far the biggest native German mid- and microstock agency”, explains Robert Walters, CEO of PantherMedia. “We pursue a strategy of sustainability and fairness. In the future, photographers will only keep on delivering high quality images if they are treated in a fair and respectful manner and earn appropriate money.

New Microstock Offering From PantherMedia
Depending on the resolution the prices for images for web use will start in the very near future at $1,90, $2,90 and $4,90 (all excluding VAT). These images can be purchased on invoice (single image purchase) or through so-called credits. Credits can be bought in different packages and sizes. This way, the image buyer can instantly download images and does not need to use the shopping cart or to pay single invoices any longer. A comprehensive overview about Panthermedia´s new microstock offering for photographers can be found here:

New Credits-Per-Day Based Image Subscription From PantherMedia
In contrast to almost all other microstock agencies which offer a fixed amount of images for a fixed period of time for a fixed price (so-called “images-per-day” or image-based subscription model) and consequently pay their photographers only a few cents per image, PantherMedia has created the new Credits-per-Day image subscription plan.
This new image subscription plan guarantees a potentially higher commission for photographers as well as a flexible subscription plan for image buyers which can now configure individual packages which fit their needs.
“This way PantherMedia guarantees that photographers do not only receive very few cents per image sold. The full revenues of the Credits-per-Day image subscription plan will be shared with our photographers equally. Our priority is clearly a win-win-situation for photographers and image buyers”, explains Robert Walters.
Also in contrast to nearly all other microstock agencies, the participation in PantherMedia´s new Credits-per-Day subscription is optional for photographers. “We are very happy that over 95% of our photographers have decided to offer their images in our new Credits-per-Day subscription. A clear sign of acceptance and trust”, added Robert Walters.
PantherMedia´s new Credits-per-Day subscription starts at $75 net per month.

PantherMedia Welcomes New Photographers
PantherMedia’s new microstock offering and the new Credits-per-Day image subscription plan are currently open for all existing as well as for new photographers of the stock agency.

The new microstock offering and the new Credits-per-Day image subscription plan will be available for images buyers from the end of April 2009.

About PantherMedia
PantherMedia is a marketplace for royalty free (RF) photography. Suppliers as well as buyers of commercial and editorial imagery meet on one shared platform consisting of a photocommunity for photographers and a stock agency for image buyers.
The photocommunity serves as the creative heart of the image marketplace. Professional photographers and shutterbugs from all over the world can upload, rate and comment on images. They can share their experience, further develop their photographic skills and showcase their artistic potential.
After a legal and qualitative check through PantherMedia, picture editors chose adequate images for the stock agency. Agencies, publishing houses and enterprises which need images can licence photographs for their individual purposes – either as single images or through a flexible subscription plan.
The revenues will be shared with photographers. This novel business model allows through so-called „User Generated Content“, provided by over 20,000 photographers worldwide, to keep the offer of RF-images far below the average market price. is an enterprise of PantherMedia GmbH with headquarters in Munich, Germany and was founded in October 2004. At present, PantherMedia offers more than 1 million images worldwide directly and via an international network of over 90 distribution partners in 36 countries. Twelve employees are working on the success of this business. During the FounderChampions competition of the 25th German Days of Founders and Entrepreneurs PantherMedia represented the Federal State of Bavaria as the best bavarian Start-up.

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