PocketCloud Explore Debuts as First Multi-Device Content Search App, Now Available in the Android Market – Search laptops, PCs and your mobile devices all from one app
Wyse Technology, is changing the way people search, view, and organize their digital lives while on the go with the launch of the Wyse PocketCloud Explore mobile cloud app. The app also pioneers multi-device search, allowing users to easily access files anywhere on their device or remote computers.
Connecting Android devices to content on computers, Wyse PocketCloud Explore enables users to view and share that content from mobile devices. For example, if a user wanted to find the folder of photos from a combined business and vacation trip but could not remember whether it was on their home computer, work computer or office server, they could search all the devices at once and open it on their Android phone.
“At its core, Wyse PocketCloud has always been about making computing on mobile devices easy, intuitive and secure, and Wyse PocketCloud Explore is a perfect example of our dedication to this philosophy.” says Daniel Barreto, general manager of the mobile cloud business unit at Wyse. “With Explore we are providing a way for people to finally search their entire digital lives from absolutely anywhere.”
The Wyse PocketCloud Explore app provides the convenience of remote file storage and access without the extra cost or security risk of placing files in third-party storage clouds. Where cloud storage companies charge hundreds of dollars to store files, Wyse PocketCloud Explore allows unlimited access to the files already on users’ devices. This allows users to remain in control of their own content and still have anytime, anywhere access to their digital lives. In short, it no longer matters which device a file originated from or where you saved it, with Wyse PocketCloud Explore you’ll be able to find it, organize it, and share it and quickly and easily.
Wyse PocketCloud Explore features include:
• Search and browse all files and folders on your computers and Android devices
• Unlimited copying and moving of video, image, and audio files between Mac or Windows computers and Android devices
• Open remote files in the app viewer or edit in your choice of Android apps
• Create and delete folders and rename or delete documents
• Open a remote computer file from Android email client and send as attachment
Wyse PocketCloud Explore allows users to finally achieve a sense digital harmony with the efficiency of multi-device search, the power of full mobile computing, the beauty of a native Android interface, and the security of retaining control of digital content. Wyse has not only pioneered multi-device mobile search, they have created true digital Zen.
Wyse PocketCloud Explore for Android is available now for $4.99 and can be downloaded here: http://market.android.com/details?id=com.wyse.filebrowserfull