Daily Archives: January 24, 2011

4 posts

Social Networking Modern Madness

Sherry Turkle a sociologist, says “the way in which people frantically communicate online via social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook can be seen as a modern form of madness”, according to a Telegraph report. Writing in her new book, Alone Together: “A behaviour that has become typical may […]

WikiLeaks Julian Assange Movie Planned

A film about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange moved a step closer after studio producers Barry Josephson and Michelle Krumm picked up the screen rights to the upoming Julian Assange biography The Most Dangerous Man in the World by award-winning Australian writer Andrew Fowler. The book details Assange’s life. Julian Paul […]

Phase One Announces 80 Megapixel IQ Camera Backs

Phase One, announced a bold new generation of medium format digital camera backs. The Phase One IQ180, IQ160 and IQ140 digital camera backs feature maximum resolutions of 80, 60.5 and 40 high quality megapixels respectively. This series sets new standards for medium format camera system handling and performance. The Phase […]

IBM Launches Virtual Desktop

IBM is offering a VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure) package that costs US$150 per user annually. “The IBM Virtual Desktop for Smart Business offering should help ease the high administrative overhead normally associated with setting up VDI deployments,” said Dan Cerutti, general manager of IBM’s Smart Business Solutions unit. “We’ve dramatically […]