New Media Technology News
New Media Technology News

Guy Kawasaki’s Twitter Tips To Market Your Business

Guy Kawasaki gave a rare, totally live presentation of his personal techniques on using social networking for business marketing. The presentation was made to a “standing room only” crowd of over 600 attendees during the June meeting of the San Diego Venture Capital Group.

The world famous author of “The Art of the Start” and “How to Drive Your Competition Crazy” gave a type of presentation that he admitted he rarely did… a totally live demo of his carefully honed “twitter techniques” and other social networking practices. The humorous, thought provoking, and detail laden overview of bleeding edge marketing techniques had the crowd both laughing out loud, and taking notes at a furious pace.

The presentation was professionally recorded and is now available on this page, and for a limited time at the Youreeeka Content Network – – for only $19.99. You can access a preview of the video before purchasing to get a feel for the quality of the production and the timeliness of the presentation. Youreeeka is a pay-per-view online distribution platform available to anyone who has video content they want to sell via the Internet.

The presentation covered all the major players in social networking including: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Jigsaw, Spokeo, and more. Guy covered Tweeting, Re-Tweeting, and advanced techniques such as using social network mash-ups to get marketing messages out to multiple outlets as well as targeted audience groups.

Upon learning that the presentation was going to be taped for worldwide distribution, the gregarious, and generous, Mr. Kawasaki took advantage of the built in affiliate capabilities of the Patent Pending Youreeeka Media Player. He immediately offered to donate half of his revenue to the San Diego Venture Group – – whose mission is to provide an informal atmosphere to foster new ideas on how to form, fund, and build new ventures.

Rachel Barley, the executive director of the SDVG, was most appreciative of the generous gesture, stating simply, “Our Not-For-Profit thanks you, Guy!”

This presentation offers a truly unique opportunity for cutting edge computer aficionados. They get the opportunity to learn vital marketing skills from world-renowned Guy Kawasaki. And they get to access that information from a truly unique, cutting edge online content delivery system, the Youreeeka Network.

For more information on the Guy Kawasaki video, or on the Youreeeka content delivery system, visit

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