New Media Technology News
New Media Technology News

Markit, Social Bookmarking Script Comes with Ning and Twitter Integration Modules

Markit is a social bookmarking script that enables you to build a successful social bookmarking site in any niche or broad market, for users with bookmark sharing and private options. Now it comes with two new modules namely Ning Integration and Twitter API to facilitate its users to integrate their Markit site with Ning and Twitter.

The MarkIt team has given a new structure to their product by adding two essential modules namely Ning and Twitter integrations. Give a new life to your Markit site by integrating these two new modules and let your users sign up to your application using their Ning or Twitter accounts.

Another good thing about the Twitter integration module is that your users can update their status on what’s happening in their lives. Also, make your users know when tweets comment on their actions on Twitter. The tasks carried out on Markit can be taken to Twitter on need basis.

“We aim to offer innovative features to our products and make our customers happy at all times.Once again our Markit team has proved it by developing two modules: Ning integration and Twitter API. We are confident that these modules will attract our customers” said Ms. Sheerin, the Vice President of Agriya infoway.

MarkIt helps you develop social bookmarking sites focusing on any community; for example – shipping community, religious community, sports and fitness community, catering community, fashion community, adult community, poker community, author community, etc. As sites are bookmarked under specific keywords, people who are interested in a specific community will get access to bookmarks of related sites easily through the subscription feature. Reaching a global audience is so easy.

Agriya Infoway is a Chennai based web Development Company that sells scripts that can be bought by webmasters to build sites under various categories. Agriya has come up with two new modules for its hot running product Markit. Visit For more details

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