Unlike the many less specialized classifieds both online and print, BizzFlip is able to leverage its niche platform by encouraging new start-ups to promote their product, service, blog, etc. on their site. They recently added a category entitled “StartUp Ads” adding value to its rapidly growing niche classifieds site considered to be The Entrepreneur’s Craigslist.
“It’s really quite amazing how many startups are launching virtually everyday” mentions Forrest Kolb, one of BizzFlip’s co-Founders and CEO. “Every single one of these startups needs a place to promote their products and services just like a handyman would within a traditional classifieds community.”
As of today, posting categories include: Blogs, E-commerce, Marketing, Mobile, Search, Social Media/Networking, Music/Video/Photo, Web App/Tool.
Eventually, as the site’s latest addition begins to grow, BizzFlip intends on expanding its “Startup Ads” section based upon user feedback. Forrest concludes, we will continue updating our business-centric classifieds with categories promising to stimulate mutually beneficial business relationships.
About BizzFlip
Launched in May 2007, BizzFlip (BizzFlip.com) is a place for people to freely conduct business, cultivate ideas, and explore the infinite potential of today’s business world. BizzFlip features free business classifieds via the collaboration of professionals worldwide.
For more information on BizzFlip please visit The BizzFlip Business Blog discussing everything in today’s business realm from start-ups to various marketing tactics, web 2.0, venture capital and blogging.