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New Media Technology News

Photographers Power Up Their Social Media Activity With iSyndica

iSyndica’s latest update gives stock photographers the ability to distribute their images with custom watermarks to popular social media sites such as Facebook and Flickr. The custom watermarks can be applied to portfolios automatically, saving users hours of processing and uploading duplicate images for public use. The service also lets photographers resize their images to guarantee that the images they publicly share can’t be reused for unauthorized commercial purposes.
The 2009 PDN Photo Plus Expo highlighted the growing interest among photographers in social media, with two panels addressing Twitter and social media. However many expressed concerns as to where and how to start. iSyndica helps answer that question by connecting users’ existing portfolio to the most popular services on the internet. Engaging in social media activity can now start with the click of a button, sending images with signature watermarks to Twitter or Picasa. iSyndica also supports videos with YouTube and among other sites.
“iSyndica’s been a real time saver for me. I use it to submit my portfolio to nine (stock photography) agencies,” says user Jane Goodrich. “With just another click, it’s on Facebook and Flickr. I just love it. The addition of a custom watermark will really add the layer of personalization I had been waiting for.”
For more details on iSyndica, visit

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