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New Media Technology News

Twitter at The Office Helps with CRM User Adoption

Intelestream, Inc., the leader in open source CRM consulting, today announced the company is reaching out to its partners and contacts through twitter. The company, which has specialized in SugarCRM consulting since 2006, is widely regarded as an authority on the subject of Open Source CRM.

Intelestream believes Twitter can help people better understand applications like SugarCRM. User adoption, one of the most challenging aspects of implementing a new CRM system, is the main reason the company is encouraging CRM users to subscribe to relevant Twitter channels.

“A lot of people don’t fully understand CRM. Office workers don’t always know that their company’s new CRM system is really there to help them do their job. The reality too is that no one wants to read a giant user’s manual. Our goal is to educate people one tweet at a time, by providing CRM users with useful tips every day,” states CEO Jason Green. “By staying informed without being overwhelmed by information, users should feel more comfortable with CRM and use it more.”

How to subscribe

To subscribe to Intelestream’s Twitter channel, visit

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